Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Fast Food

Sophomore Caroline Freed, Magnolia Texas, takes a break from the cafeteria food and heads to Raising Cane's Chicken in a break between classes. (photo by Katie Clarke)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Assignment 5

For this assignment, we had to use a strobe. For me, it was hard to do. I don't know if I was using the wrong f-stop, standing too close to the subject, or was photographing too late, but my photos didn't come out exactly as they should have. However, I thought it was fun figuring out how to use the strobe, and I would love to use it again some time!

(Subject is Whitney Allen, from left to right is fastest, balanced, slowest):

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lab Assignment 3/7

SFA students, Kelly Fitzgerald and Camille Nowlin, take a break from studying to tan at the benches outside Lumberjack Lodge.