Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Photo story: Volunteering at the Animal Shelter

Many sororities and fraternities on the Stephen F. Austin campus require some sort of volunteering. The service sorority Gamma Kappa Omega (GKO) is no exception. Members of the sorority have a choice as to where they go and volunteer. Ashley Bostic, SFA sophomore, chose the animal shelter to volunteer at, and recruited her friends to go with her. Usually one afternoon a week, sometimes Friday, sometimes other days, Ashley and her friends would go, and take the dogs and cats out to play. Why did Ashley choose the animal shelter? "I have always loved dogs, and it seemed like more fun than volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club." Here are some of the pictures that I have taken of Ashley and others at the animal shelter here in Nacogdoches.

"I love the little puppies at the animal shelter," Josh Pace said (photo by Katie Clarke).

While not as popular as the dogs are, the cats at the animal shelter also get to come out and explore their room (photo by Katie Clarke).

The little dogs at the animal shelter don't get to go outside unless someone takes them out there, so they always love visitors (photo by Katie Clarke).

Some people love the big dogs more than the small dogs at the animal shelter (photo by Katie Clarke).
The more people that are at the animal shelter on one given day means there are more animals that are out and can explore the grounds...as well as the other animals (photo by Katie Clarke).

"Going to the animal shelter is one of my favorite parts of the week, " Chris Ciardello said. "Seeing the animals always calms me down after a stressful week of classes." (photo by Katie Clarke)After an afternoon playing with everyone, the dogs are tired, and will easily fall asleep in their boxes (photo by Katie Clarke).
"Going to the animal shelter has been one of my favorite parts of being in GKO," Bostic said. "Even if I quit GKO next year, I'll probably continue going to the animal shelter." (photo by Katie Clarke)
"All the dogs are always so happy to see us when we get there," Bostic said (photo by Katie Clarke).

The cats are sometime less willing to come out and see the people than the dogs (photo by Katie Clarke).
"There is something about going and playing in the animals that just makes you happy," Caroline Freed said (photo by Katie Clarke).
The kittens are always very active and energetic when they get a chance to come out of their cage (photo by Katie Clarke).
"It's hard to not get attached to the dogs that you play with," Laurie Freed said (photo by Katie Clarke).
The dogs love to interact with the other dogs as well as the people at the animal shelter, since they don't get to a lot (photo by Katie Clarke).
Once the dogs are taken outside, they love to explore everything, including the people around them (photo by Katie Clarke).
There is a big pen for the dogs to go run around in at the animal shelter (photo by Katie Clarke).
Everything interests the dogs, whether it is your keys, as pictured above, or your hand, as pictured below (photos by Katie Clarke).

"The dogs just love to be held, " Laurie Freed said. "Some of them will just cuddle with you while you talk to your friends." (photo by Katie Clarke)
The dogs change from week to week, but each of the animals has a special place in everyone's heart (photo by Katie Clarke).
Sometimes, after the little cats go back in their box, they want to come out and play some more (photo by Katie Clarke).

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